What makes this commercial great and interesting is the advice he gives to all the gentlemen who are either classy or hip. It's like; he wants his student or followers to succeed. It's like having a mentor. In addition, the storyline, along with a narrative voice about a man who accomplishes nearly everything, and stays classy at the end by saying "I don't always drink beer...But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.....Stay thirsty my friends." Now that's a catch phrase! I mean, its hip, it's catchy, and gets your attention. Plus, what better way to end it with a signature sign-off, "Stay Thirsty My Friends."
The commercial was put together and generated towards the male demographic, between the ages of 30-50. However, even the young adult group between the ages 21-30 find it worth viewing, if not, drinking. The group that produced the commercial had a brilliant idea, having a bearded, Spanish man accomplishing many feats and staying classy, in a hilarious kind of dialogue.
The commercial has footages of the man in his early days, as well as clips from his journey throughout the world, attempting many interesting tasks, while hanging out and enjoying the party lifestyle.
Dos Equis, owned by Mexican brewery Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma Brewery, which is owned and distributed by Heineken International, has an interactive site, dedicated to fans of the "most interesting man in the world." At staythirstymyfriends.com, there are many features that you can explore including meeting the man himself, exploring his wide variety of journeys and accomplishments, and many more.
I think the brand image is good idea by having this middle-aged guy, played by Jonathan Goldsmith. It's perfect for a popular Mexican beer, which are in competition with another popular Mexican beer, Corona. To gain popularity and attention, this is what the producers, board and marketing team came up with, a commercial about the most interesting man in the world. Here's one of hundreds of clips of him:
This commercial definetely generated brand awareness, as it viewed a commercial that was hillarious and the audience just ate it up (meaning: liked it). The audience liked it so much, the company dedicated a site, as well as other followers created sites dedicated about this interesting man. There are sites where you can submit new quotes, and it may be on the next Dos Equis commercial, i.e.: dosequisguy.com.
Another Clip:
The Dos Equis brand created a catchy character, generating an audience who are whether new or current fans of Dos Equis brand, but now are liking the brand even more. Some prefer Coronas while others prefer Dos Equis. Either or, it's up to the consumer to test how good this alcoholic beverage is.
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